DB14 Prize Archive - Live Auction: The Magic of Johnny Thompson Signed by Penn & Teller and Johnny Thompson

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DB Prize ID 126
Prize Type Live Auction
Bustime Auction Start 149:00
Local Time Auction Start Thursday, 2020-11-19 15:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Auction End 149:16
Local Time Auction End Thursday, 2020-11-19 15:16, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Auction Title The Magic of Johnny Thompson Signed by Penn & Teller and Johnny Thompson
Alt. Auction Title(s) --
Auction Donator(s) Penn & Teller
Auction Description This is Teller's personal, mint condition copy of the Magic of Johnny Thompson, signed by the legendary magicians Johnny Thompson and Penn & Teller. Penn & Teller will add a personal message to the winner of the prize.
Craft-Along? --
Auction Winning Amount(s) $10,999.98
Auction Winner(s) JKBuster
Notes --
Auction Images
Additional Images --
Import By Sokar
Updated By Ugh Sunlight
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