DB16 Prize Archive - Giveaway: Satisfactory Bundle

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This is the start of the VST Prize archive for DB2022 / DB16, DO NOT expect it to be updated regularly!
DB Prize ID 91
Prize Type Giveaway
Bustime Giveaway Start 019:34
Local Time Giveaway Start Sunday, 2022-11-13 09:34, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Giveaway End 020:44
Local Time Giveaway End Sunday, 2022-11-13 10:44, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Giveaway Title Satisfactory Bundle
Alt. Giveaway Title(s) --
Giveaway Donator(s) Heroic Replicas
Giveaway Description Bring the comforts of MASSAGE-2(A-B)b back to Earth (or wherever else you may reside) with this very Satisfactory prize pack! The bundle includes an astronomical number of things: a very shiny "Employee of the Planet" cup; a pair of FICSIT keychains; stickers (!!!); a 16" plush Lizard Doggo, pre-tamed and ready to snuggle; and a set of 4" plush accessories (Paleberry, Power Slug, and Uranium Waste), pre-magnetized and ready to be nommed on by the Lizard Doggo. (He's from space! He'll be fine.)
Craft-Along? --
Giveaway Amount(s) $8.58
Giveaway Raised $5,988.84
Giveaway Winner(s) Canahedo
Notes --
Giveaway Images

Additional Images --
Import By Sokar
Updated By Ugh Sunlight
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