Desert Bus 17 Chat Stats generated by pisg

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#desertbus @ stats by VST

Statistics generated on Sunday 17 December 2023 - 1:53:08
During this 12-day reporting period, a total of 7052 different nicks were represented on #desertbus.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 stormgod51919003228678 1098519003228678 310622.814.1today"good game yo"
2 txc2233840461541 7925233840461541 314954.022.4today"azninsect lrrHEART"
3 randomtrivia1030226329371396 76261030226329371396 386245.131.6today"Ben, your audio shenanigans are just as much part of Night Watch as everyone else!"
4 rockpusher91971325372501 667091971325372501 259663.931.1today"benginDance benginDance benginDance benginDance"
5 azninsect122246614283348 6464122246614283348 210633.318.9today"see you all next year, bus fam"
6 elementalalchemist54573020662721 606254573020662721 222723.720.3today"lrrHEART lrrIAN"
7 glmdgrielson63326512612 594363326512612 291374.928.6today"Thank you, everyone!"
8 cgwonder61420562129571 537061420562129571 186983.520.1today"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
9 pharaohbender2715252084975 460715252084975 218764.728.3today"Thank you, mods and VST! lrrSHINE"
10 beowuuf98815971387360 433298815971387360 305587.141.7today"@Laurence72 i'm pretty sure because matt sniped the 1M james will absolutely push for the 168hrs in omega now :D"
11 dix4082006782867 41534082006782867 207495.027.8today"WE'RE LEAVIGN TOGETHER"
12 askwho95514651653 408095514651653 202685.034.3today""
13 gameslayer0131589081888675 36291589081888675 84402.312.9today"Another wonderful year down <3"
14 mr_horrible18059911651493 343718059911651493 219746.438.8today"kanagoJam kanagoJam aurahaAscariDancin aurahaAscariDancin lrrSHINE lrrSHINE mizzCheer mizzCheer seabatClap seabatClap"
15 oliverohman14352441723 342414352441723 80682.412.2today"Crash that BUS!"
16 nightbot6909821136572 33806909821136572 10628031.4188.3today"Please keep your emotes to 7 or fewer per message. Thanks!"
17 mtvcdm11186410541310 333911186410541310 186215.630.9today"BUT STILL IT'S FAREWELL"
18 cantwearhats24813721132270 302224813721132270 146524.826.7today"Chat, its been a pleasure. SCHOOL'S OUT Y'ALL, GO NUTS"
19 exachixkitsune1391578808159 26841391578808159 150185.634.9today"This explains being asked for a photo and pronunciation."
20 oscelot2241391960 26242241391960 138365.331.8today"Oh my gods the wreckage of that studio XD"
21 sarah_serinde2111579784 25742111579784 169226.637.6today"Never apologize for that it was better than I could've guessed gabyLul"
22 sorator13673791462606 2532673791462606 182927.241.7today"CRASH THAT BUS!!"
23 anubis1698841105441 2498884110544168 101404.124.9today"As is tradition"
24 pendelsteven2909861109 23992909861109 143436.031.9today"Yeah. I'm gonna say goodbye, so I'm not the last one to leave here."
25 foxmar3201726381586 23961726381586 68952.917.2today"CRASH THAT BUS"
26 amative16311193422 22656311193422 102034.530.2today"I don't think I can break 25 by the shutdown..."
27 josh___something624173585879 2261624173585879 91954.124.0today"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
28 the_sub_ocean5341075559 22065341075559 105074.827.2today"don't be sorry!"
29 caffeinatedlemur7121382 2185712138291 80863.721.6today"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
30 thewolfisonfire509824622 202450982462269 91214.525.4yesterday"jacob is eeror"
31 eleventhocean115635544719 2013115635544719 87764.427.2today"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE Meet again here next year? lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
32 scoopernovagirl1516141206 19801516141206 57572.917.1today"Bye Night Watch!"
33 admiralmemo739988226 1953739988226 128356.637.5today"?codefall 2"
34 directorstephanie3161545 1949316154588 85254.428.5today"seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap seabatClap"
35 tajessa831225864 1941831225864 93664.827.6today"Clap clap clap"
36 somebodynowhere113641345752 1851113641345752 59753.216.7today"yes julie you helped"
37 jibkat3034741022 1846473034741022 50002.725.3today"alissa3Wiggle alissa3Wiggle alissa3Wiggle alissa3Wiggle"
38 roedent89575751253176 1755575751253176 69604.020.7today"Thank you mods!"
39 mrsarkhan312415999 1753312415999 51612.923.0today"🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀 🦀"
40 ebugle782458396 171377782458396 76144.424.4today"Good job everyone! Until next year!"
41 polygonalpizza1312461236 1691781312461236 63333.721.0today"Thanks Max!"
42 digitalseahorse112763780 1675112763780 59643.627.4today"LesbianPride PansexualPride BisexualPride TransgenderPride PansexualPride AsexualPride IntersexPride GenderFluidPride GayPride"
43 ndrofox160797706 1663160797706 105126.334.2today"@simonark he is the man, yes"
44 newtynewts214661729 1605214661729 77254.826.5today"My question!"
45 ladyatarka721226635 1600721226635 72904.627.2today"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
46 dem0nfire520605435 1595520605435 41722.616.3today"lrrHEART lrrHEART lrrHEART"
47 thewanderingnomad145507850 158482145507850 78515.028.4today"WE'RE LEAVIN' TOGETHER!"
48 dbvideostriketeam242383553378 1556242383553378 148729.659.8today"Oh wait, we forgot to press record. Can y'all go back and start over? We gotta do another take."
49 serifina466982 152768466982 100956.638.0today"Hold, friends, be strong and stand by!"
50 trisealpha203535704 149320353570451 58273.922.3today"Magnificent"
51 browneepoints492622299 148471492622299 109197.440.0today"That did not look like an orc"
52 megadosx1221359 14841221359 68694.624.9yesterday"James got rotated lmao"
53 btetta290552593 147829055259343 105607.154.5today""
54 definenull559287289329 1464559287289329 49073.417.6today":O story time?!?"
55 electra310224730461 1449224730461 60314.226.1today"The goodest of games"
56 kaib35159664587 1423159664587 95316.734.3today"Snorsh posses most magnificent man."
57 hawkeyecadash433866 14104764433866 31902.317.1today"THE FINAL BUSDOWN!"
58 leonhart321240491484179 1394240491484179 64224.624.6today"DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance"
59 t3h_f1gm3nt452498394 1375452498394 78995.730.1today"alright chat gonna catch a few Zs. cya in, most likely, omega"
60 telnaior496497149224 1366496497149224 68095.028.5today"number is ALARMINGLY large"
61 gsyhiap240586447 133824058644765 58974.435.6today"lrrSHINE lrrHEART lrrSHINE lrrHEART lrrSHINE lrrHEART lrrSHINE"
62 annie_r_kist113531596 128646113531596 55004.325.8today"FINAAAAALLL BUUUUSSSDOWN"
63 tehamelie300452354160 1266300452354160 111118.847.0today"next year. . .bigger peench attacks"
64 kivipaperisakset165516245318 1244165516245318 75916.132.2today"Yep, thank to mods and all fellow chatters"
65 raicx540566 12286854056654 42723.525.9today"FBtouchdown lrrHORN FBtouchdown"
66 drfox17683455 122779683455 60865.027.4today"that bucket is part of their tarp budget"
67 dog_of_myth514695 1220514695 29222.414.8today"Till next year chat"
68 gnome_friend125592451 1168125592451 35663.118.7today"This is why he's lrrPAUL"
69 notajumbleofnumbers537339255 116534537339255 40303.518.5today"aaAAAAAAAAAAA"
70 red_shoes_jeff303295193353 1144303295193353 46974.124.9today"lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE lrrSHINE"
71 easilycrazyhat326293478 112831326293478 49534.426.7today"lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN"
72 smithkurosaki374198507 111940374198507 49494.426.4today"New people! lrrSHINE"
73 butbutthejesus202575273 110959202575273 34363.119.2today"You're not crying, I'm crying!"
74 sblue333210575295 1082210575295 56225.227.4today"THANK YOU ALLLLLL"
75 izandai999 105646999 30502.917.7today"Make James Lose!"
76 atrophonian303355339 104750303355339 27612.617.8today"lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN"
77 the_lone_bard314110237374 1035314110237374 1586615.382.6today"Ashton: Done with it."
78 tacitusvigil312145575 1032312145575 67726.636.5today"Roads go ever ever on and on - Under cloud and under star, - Yet feet that wandering have gone - Turn at last to home afar."
79 ravynn130124297470 1021130124297470 45384.427.4today"lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES lrrJAMES"
80 they_are_alyx374387234 1015374387234 35313.527.2today"DESERT BUS I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUU"
81 themadpunter110173262463 1008110173262463 90719.052.7today"is that frame 2.4:1?"
82 theainmap403284293 991403284293 22872.320.9today"sergeHeart benginHeart lrrHEART escher3FOX guyjudgeLove sergeSergeBanner katesL KPOPfan LuvHearts 2020Glitchy ModLove <3 sergeModLove VirtualHug"
83 f1shor138193234391 956138193234391 59636.234.6today"benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart benginHeart"
84 lysander_salamander267657 945267657 31163.317.6yesterday"no that's a bad idea"
85 tempest2097512338 94283512338 43884.726.2today"I'm scootchin!"
86 kryptonic332518 93576332518 17271.811.6today"Juice Tuesday, standing by"
87 fluffy776112428381 929112428381 39644.329.6today"Andrew has such good energy"
88 thenerdysimulation293273313 92229343273313 66297.238.7today"DESERT BUS I CAN'T HEAR YOUUUUU"
89 beamthechao164325397 893164325397 39404.424.2today"vbnkgf;jhg;hg"
90 coloneljesus254580 88537254580 36294.122.9today"Where would we go?"
91 surfdownstage234278370 882234278370 27683.120.2today"DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance DinoDance"
92 sunidesus521260 8757252126022 48835.629.5today"Horrah for Stark Family!"
93 lambmower264330279 874264330279 61947.138.5today"I don't like"
94 nevermore913223272374 869223272374 34394.021.2today"Time for the final busdown!"
95 iris_of_ether287460 8654078287460 37764.437.6today"escher3BEE STINGER escher3BEE"
96 mungodude187166283216 852187166283216 42225.030.1today"my favourite is Ionic"
97 elmyra23277353216 849277353216 67908.045.4today"Красный октябрь standing by"
98 jj862326390357 83783390357 26103.115.3today"FINAL BUSDOWN"
99 kiloromeo058260295137135 827260295137135 34214.123.1today"I am crying"
100 snackpak_330386 8202678330386 17212.114.0today"FBtouchdown"

These didn't make it to the top:
firefuryamahira (812) ohaimireiya (805) theelrad (799) shadowsoflife (779) princess_intell (771)
warkipine (769) momtherjeff (767) whaddageekau (763) kadmostech (760) pteraspidomorphi (751)
loufghyslaufey (740) juniorroll (740) northstartex (735) cyclopsboi (730) wench_tacular (720)
bluechloroplast (717) neisan2112 (707) ghostvalv (704) bigdaddybland87 (700) solarbirdz (695)
irrehensibletj (690) zombie_spacer (690) hidingbox (690) a_guy_7 (689) jillexie (687)
nanowowl (666) slyguy46 (653) cakhost (653) elohim_3 (652) 8_bit_unicorn (643)
pimiento (639) darchangel (631) lariatwest (629) deathlikescats (621) gdwarble (621)
a_dub888 (620) pharmacistjudge (617) tenthtechpriest (608) targe0 (607) lukyhemee (602)
arclight_dynamo (598) cieyrin (594) vickysaurus_mystax (593) margieargie (593) emu_on_the_loose (585)
control_rig (580) apodionysus (574) mercano82 (572) the_digiman619 (567) mikokisai (567)
baltimore_667083 (566) jlhonors (565) irsaan (564) craftyskwrl (563) zeldazach (562)
trollbonist (561) camthelion (556) moonwhing (550) constablecrab (547) nimrodxiv (546)
lespaulstewart (545) ryxiene (545) nyoomgoom (543) frustbox (543) holo_raptor (541)
tastylaksa (536) chaosof99 (532) rebelliousuno (531) mazrae (530) horusfive (528)
jumping_point (526) remoravox (525) edgarware (524) ghostofjeffgoldblum (521) hd_dabnado (519)
korvys (516) gekyouryuu (516) armadilloal (512) shparky2197 (506) jacqui_lantern234 (504)
shoeboxwarrior (504) johnlockecole (504) discordiantokkan (501) kumakaori (501) symphoniclolita (499)
jennaprizm (496) l0rdx33n (495) rrtycoon2 (495) dainbread (494) shifudaxiongmao (494)
jessicaengle (494) n3ther (491) despoiler98 (488) goblinmyra (488) iacthulhufthagn (485)
chris365 (484) didero (483) halfaringcircus (482) realgamercow (478) emberbecky (474)
arrestedhouse (472) warkr0 (470) fluffynevyn (469) earthenone (463) cosmicducttape (461)
fastlane250 (460) gledster (458) texan_reverend (457) thesoundofwhitenoise (455) dewrules235 (452)
mrphlip (446) beaniemanpresents (444) naenorkau (444) fruan (444) silpho (443)
teh_crazydude (441) hexadecimalbirdwizard (439) unknownfriday (439) arcticatlantic (438) a_humble_wooper (438)
spethycakes (435) yarenidaze (432) dr_abigail (432) chaotix89 (431) the_lettter_s (431)
neogetz (430) kamelion84 (423) taylahay (422) wartjr2373 (421) dslucia (421)
thedeepshiz (417) itira (412) bakerydragon (410) halian_ (407) viewers_like_you (405)
heckengine (403) artemishuntress (400) hungrytanuki (400) malfnord (396) capt_clown (394)
laurence72 (394) gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou (393) wrexadecimal (393) lordmanimani (391) mmoritz (391)
3playerpolitics (389) writerraven (389) anaerin (387) thrythlind (387) sfsmaus (387)
vellebastet (384) sniperpumpkin (383) rocketgirl523 (382) twosenses (382) noy2222 (382)
capnhat (381) mtigress (380) kewliomzx (379) niccus (379) tikosh_ (377)
marmalade_pen (376) aenir798 (375) cassaclyzm (374) thewooglie (373) grifftastic0ne (369)
amazingvariable (368) zopharptay (367) deathkoala (366) gazzyinferno (365) pyredynasty (365)
busted (364) tssaloic (360) emptydoll (360) frodonl (357) elriana1 (357)
seanmrwick (349) contingentcat (349) kbkarma (348) alex_frostfire (347) omega_lairon (347)
nefarious_ned (346) sibwow (345) ekimekim (345) woolookindly (344) hackingducks (342)
luckyjoky (342) feriority (341) thorsokar (340) mwgnz (340) avi_miller (339)
hawktonguebaby (339) julisamay19 (338) bugberry (338) juliamon (337) lostthepirate (337)
stephonee (332) krillin_fan (332) wildy135 (332) acegun_ (331) jace (331)

By the way, there were 6752 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 txc2 - 2338 txc2 - 4046 randomtrivia - 2937 stormgod519 - 8678
2 azninsect - 1222 glmdgrielson - 2651 glmdgrielson - 2612 azninsect - 3348
3 randomtrivia - 1030 randomtrivia - 2263 rockpusher - 2537 dix - 2867
4 beowuuf - 988 cgwonder - 2056 cgwonder - 2129 elementalalchemist - 2721
5 rockpusher - 919 stormgod519 - 1900 pharaohbender27 - 2084 rockpusher - 2501
6 anubis169 - 884 beowuuf - 1597 elementalalchemist - 2066 oliverohman - 1723
7 tajessa - 831 exachixkitsune - 1578 gameslayer013 - 1888 askwho - 1653
8 nightbot - 690 pharaohbender27 - 1525 sarah_serinde - 1579 foxmar320 - 1586
9 sorator13 - 673 oliverohman - 1435 directorstephanie - 1545 mr_horrible - 1493
10 glmdgrielson - 633 cantwearhats - 1372 txc2 - 1541 randomtrivia - 1396
11 josh___something - 624 anubis169 - 1105 askwho - 1465 megadosx - 1359
12 cgwonder - 614 pendelsteven - 986 azninsect - 1428 mtvcdm - 1310
13 roedent89 - 575 nightbot - 982 oscelot - 1391 polygonalpizza - 1236
14 definenull - 559 askwho - 955 beowuuf - 1387 scoopernovagirl - 1206
15 elementalalchemist - 545 gameslayer013 - 908 caffeinatedlemur - 1382 jibkat - 1022
16 the_sub_ocean - 534 mtvcdm - 864 amative1 - 1193 izandai - 999
17 theelrad - 528 thewolfisonfire - 824 mr_horrible - 1165 mrsarkhan - 999
18 thewolfisonfire - 509 ndrofox - 797 nightbot - 1136 serifina - 982
19 telnaior - 496 sorator13 - 791 cantwearhats - 1132 pharaohbender27 - 975
20 dix - 408 ebugle - 782 pendelsteven - 1109 oscelot - 960
21 targe0 - 342 roedent89 - 751 the_sub_ocean - 1075 josh___something - 879
22 the_lone_bard - 314 admiralmemo - 739 mtvcdm - 1054 hawkeyecadash - 866
23 tacitusvigil - 312 elementalalchemist - 730 admiralmemo - 988 tajessa - 864
24 mrphlip - 308 ladyatarka - 721 exachixkitsune - 808 thewanderingnomad - 850
25 wench_tacular - 303 rockpusher - 713 digitalseahorse - 763 sarah_serinde - 784
26 red_shoes_jeff - 303 caffeinatedlemur - 712 electra310 - 730 digitalseahorse - 780
27 tehamelie - 300 drfox17 - 683 ndrofox - 706 somebodynowhere - 752
28 thenerdysimulation - 293 somebodynowhere - 641 trisealpha - 704 newtynewts - 729
29 btetta - 290 eleventhocean - 635 dix - 678 eleventhocean - 719
30 pendelsteven - 290 amative1 - 631 kaib35 - 664 dog_of_myth - 695
31 elmyra23 - 277 mr_horrible - 599 newtynewts - 661 gameslayer013 - 675
32 lambmower - 264 gsyhiap - 586 foxmar320 - 638 lysander_salamander - 657
33 kiloromeo058 - 260 btetta - 552 browneepoints - 622 ladyatarka - 635
34 chris365 - 251 raicx - 540 thewolfisonfire - 622 sorator13 - 606
35 whaddageekau - 250 notajumbleofnumbers - 537 scoopernovagirl - 614 annie_r_kist - 596
36 cantwearhats - 248 trisealpha - 535 dem0nfire - 605 kaib35 - 587
37 dbvideostriketeam - 242 sunidesus - 521 btetta - 593 juniorroll - 577
38 leonhart321 - 240 dem0nfire - 520 gnome_friend - 592 tacitusvigil - 575
39 pimiento - 240 kivipaperisakset - 516 josh___something - 585 nightbot - 572
40 gsyhiap - 240 telnaior - 497 coloneljesus - 580 cgwonder - 571
41 rrtycoon2 - 232 browneepoints - 492 sblue333 - 575 the_sub_ocean - 559
42 lukyhemee - 230 leonhart321 - 491 butbutthejesus - 575 warkipine - 559
43 luckyjoky - 208 azninsect - 466 raicx - 566 slyguy46 - 545
44 trisealpha - 203 tehamelie - 452 dbvideostriketeam - 553 kryptonic - 518
45 tastylaksa - 187 t3h_f1gm3nt - 452 eleventhocean - 544 neisan2112 - 510
46 mungodude - 187 rebelliousuno - 418 annie_r_kist - 531 smithkurosaki - 507
47 mr_horrible - 180 theainmap - 403 dog_of_myth - 514 ohaimireiya - 483
48 ekimekim - 180 gdwarble - 390 tempest2097 - 512 easilycrazyhat - 478
49 cakhost - 177 dbvideostriketeam - 383 thewanderingnomad - 507 ravynn - 470
50 a_guy_7 - 177 bigdaddybland87 - 377 t3h_f1gm3nt - 498 firefuryamahira - 465

Big numbers
Is loufghyslaufey stupid or just asking too many questions? 41.5% lines contained a question!
molladia didn't know that much either. 39.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was bidbot, who yelled 76.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was kenohki2, who shouted 69.7% of the time!
It seems that cooldu6's shift-key is hanging: 42.0% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <cooldu6> LUL

zombie_spacer just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 37.0% of the time.
telnaior is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * telnaior slaps @RandomTrivia around a bit with a large trout

dbvideostriketeam can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 1 times.
Poor @RandomTrivia, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 1 times.
For example, like this:
     * telnaior slaps @RandomTrivia around a bit with a large trout

rockpusher seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 1 times.
passedshelfdate brings happiness to the world. 77.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
shifudaxiongmao isn't a sad person either, smiling 48.0% of the time.
ghostvalv seems to be sad at the moment: 8.9% lines contained sad faces. :(
cakhost is also a sad person, crying 5.2% of the time.
nightbot wrote the longest lines, averaging 188.3 letters per line.
#desertbus average was 31.0 letters per line.
starlitdiscord wrote the shortest lines, averaging 11.1 characters per line.
kryptonic was tight-lipped, too, averaging 11.6 characters.
nightbot spoke a total of 106280 words!
nightbot's faithful follower, randomtrivia, didn't speak so much: 38624 words.
drop_bear2317 wrote an average of 64.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.35 words per line.

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 DinoDance 26125 kaithemoose
2 lrrSHINE 22231 rockpusher
3 lrrHORN 7295 eshplode
4 lrrHEART 6501 elementalalchemist
5 there 6203 eleventhocean
6 imgur 5295 kadmostech
7 seabatClap 5289 rockpusher
8 about 4687 loufghyslaufey
9 jacob 4546 oscelot
10 Desert 4460 nightbot
11 think 4387 rockpusher
12 would 4144 icebot360g
13 great 3984 amative1
14 Thank 3769 rockpusher
15 right 3712 amative1
16 tqsClap 3673 shinycrochet
17 lrrSIG 3660 kaithemoose
18 James 3568 thetoastmonster
19 FBtouchdown 3553 shamblingkrenshar
20 benginDance 3379 ladyatarka

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 ajony 1263 dylanjaide
2 ashton 956 gledster
3 desertbus 656 nightbot
4 kate 597 didero
5 askwho 532 lobo_apache
6 fangamer 524 nightbot
7 fugi 442 exhaustedelox
8 wiggins 427 sblue333
9 dix 425 rockpusher
10 txc2 208 thenerdysimulation
11 maybetara 96 didero
12 randomtrivia 93 btetta
13 pharmacistjudge 77 codenamebluebird1
14 sarah_serinde 77 azninsect
15 azninsect 66 biosammich
16 glmdgrielson 61 caffeinatedlemur
17 dbvideostriketeam 61 pteraspidomorphi
18 noy2222 57 enbykriss
19 cantwearhats 55 sarah_serinde
20 beowuuf 55 amative1

Smileys :-)
 Smiley Number of Uses Last Used by
1 :D 3857 anubis169
2 :p 1675 phailhammer
3 :) 1572 rebornflames
4 :P 1071 elementalalchemist
5 :( 558 elementalalchemist
6 D: 374 warkr0
7 \o/ 270 hicallmerusty
8 ;) 242 fairyarmour
9 :/ 47 ndrofox
10 ;_; 43 tehamelie
11 T_T 37 defrost
12 ;p 36 txc2
13 :-) 26 byronosaurusrex
14 :-D 21 pendelsteven
15 -_- 20 atarra
16 (: 18 aclonedpickle
17 :-( 13 daxstrife
18 :} 13 sumaleth
19 ;-) 13 wench_tacular
20 :> 12 yawnlance

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 403 nightbot
2 362 nightbot
3 338 nightbot
4 217 nightbot
5 195 nightbot
6 165 nightbot
7 135 nightbot
8 127 nightbot
9 108 nightbot
10 73 nightbot
11 63 nightbot
12 63 nightbot
13 60 nightbot
14 59 tehwkd
15 52 nightbot
16 48 btetta
17 47 dbvideostriketeam
18 45 btetta
19 44 btetta
20 44 nightbot

Other interesting numbers
Nice opers here, no one got kicked!
Strange, no op was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no op was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no halfop was given on #desertbus!
Wow, no halfop was taken on #desertbus!
Strange, no voices were given on #desertbus!
No voices were taken on #desertbus!
pharaohbender27 always lets us know what he/she's doing: 80 actions!
For example, like this:
     * pharaohbender27 drumrolls

Also, txc2 tells us what's up with 73 actions.
gmoonen couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 97 joins during this reporting period!
midnightcurryjazz has quite a potty mouth. 0.9% words were foul language.
dormouss also makes sailors blush, 0.8% of the time.
Total number of lines: 529501.

Stats generated by pisg v0.73
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 00 minutes and 03 seconds