DB9 Prize Archive - Silent Auction: Stained Glass TARDIS lamp

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DB Prize ID 84
Prize Type Silent Auction
Bustime Silent Auction Start 056:00
Local Time Silent Auction Start Monday, 2015-11-16 18:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Silent Auction End 064:00
Local Time Silent Auction End Tuesday, 2015-11-17 02:00, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Silent Auction Title Stained Glass TARDIS lamp
Alt. Silent Auction Title(s) --
Silent Auction Donator(s) Beth Larsson
Silent Auction Description This tiny TARDIS is guaranteed to take you through time and space, as long as you don't object to going through time in a linear and forward fashion and are willing to put in the legwork in to move yourself through space. Fortunately, with this stained glass TARDIS you will always have a light on to guide you. The TARDIS is completely handmade from stained glass, with electric lights that work via touch sensors. The lamp is powered via battery and recharged via USB. There is a button on front to power the board, to prolong battery life. One tap lights it up, one tap turns it off. Double tapping will play the TARDIS sound and flash the lights four times. The maker cannot guarantee that the TARDIS will not disappear, but even if she does, she's so small she can't have gone very far.

Materials include glass, lead solder, electrical board, LED lights and a speaker. The Tardis is 25x12x12cm (though who knows how large it really is on the inside, of course).

Craft-Along? Yep!
Silent Auction Winning Amount $1,516.17
Silent Auction Winner Lizardman
Notes --
Tags Dr. Who
Silent Auction Images

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