DB2 Prize Archive - Live Auction: Crash the Bus

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Global Notes:
DB2 had no prize IDs, IDs just made up by Sokar as he got images and archived them.
Unknown if all auctions are included, best-effort was used trying to find all of them in the chat log but unlikely all have been found.
DB2 had no craft-along (Craft-Along started in DB3)
This is an incomplete archive, if you won a DB2 auction please contact the VST!
DB Prize ID 0
Prize Type Live Auction
Bustime Auction Start 003:38
Local Time Auction Start Friday, 2008-11-28 21:38, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Bustime Auction End 003:47
Local Time Auction End Friday, 2008-11-28 21:47, PST - (GMT-08:00)
Auction Title Crash the Bus
Alt. Auction Title(s) $1000 to crash the bus
Auction Donator(s) LoadingReadyRun
Auction Description They made a crack about crashing the bus for $1000, so Sakimori_X donated for them to do it, and re-name the bus after him.
Craft-Along? --
Auction Winning Amount(s) Unknown
Auction Winner(s) Sakimori_X
Notes Calling this an auction is a strech, but that's the best we got

This is the 2nd time someone paid for a bus crash (The only other being DB1 donation for $500)

New driver name: EVILSAK

Start and End times are rough guess based on chatlog, no footage exists

Bus crashed at the beginning of Bill's first shift (004:00) for re-name.

Tags bus crash
Auction Images
Additional Images --
Import By Sokar
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