VST DB2 Prize Archive

Global Notes:
DB2 had no prize IDs, IDs just made up by Sokar as he got images and archived them.
Unknown if all auctions are included, best-effort was used trying to find all of them in the chat log but unlikely all have been found.
DB2 had no craft-along (Craft-Along started in DB3)
This is an incomplete archive, if you won a DB2 auction please contact the VST!
Image Title Donated By Won For Won By Craft-Along?
003:07 003:10 Name the DB Driver LoadingReadyRun $500.00 Evil_Jim -
003:38 003:47 Crash the Bus LoadingReadyRun Sakimori_X -
???:?? ???:?? -
???:?? ???:?? -
098:22 098:31 LRR Skit T-Shirt LoadingReadyRun $250.00 TheDavestator -
121:01 121:10 Alex Steacy's Hat $210.00 Kim -
121:29 121:33 Custom character comission (8x10 inches) Tensen01 $130.00 Kag -
122:40 122:47 Another (3rd) custom character comission (8x10 inches) Tensen01 $220.00 Brad-3346 -
122:53 122:57 EB Games Prize Bag #1 LoadingReadyRun
EB Games Canada
$800.00 Danger-538 -
???:?? ???:?? -
???:?? ???:?? -